public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from "Xavier Lacot" with tag web

February 2009

Surfin’ Safari - Blog Archive » Web Inspector Redesign

Safari's inspector has been redesigned a few months ago, but I didn't notice this. It looks pretty and rather efficient, I am gonna give it a try on our next project.

cufón - fonts for the people

by 8 others (via)
Another javacript text replacement library. Like typeface, it works using a pure javascript solution, and it doesn't allow for text selection.

January 2009

Trac Improvements - Web Services - University Wiki

A collection of Greasemokey scripts that enhance the Trac user experience.

Data Visualization: Modern Approaches | Graphics | Smashing Magazine

by 11 others
Smashing magazine describes several approaches to data visualization. Neat and powerful ideas are presented in the article.

December 2008

Recess! Framework

The Recess! Framework is built from the ground up to conform to the HTTP protocol. This makes REST a natural fit. From 100s to 505s, from GETs to PUTs, Recess! makes it straightforward for your web apps to play nice

24 ways - web design and development articles and tutorials for advent

by 70 others, 1 comment (via)
24 ways is the advent calendar for web geeks. Each day throughout December we publish a daily dose of web design and development goodness to bring you all a little Christmas cheer.

symfony | Web PHP Framework | The Jobeet Tutorial

A set of 24 Symfony 1.2 tutorials, published day-by-day between December 1st and Christmas.

November 2008


by 2 others
Yahoo has unveiled BrowserPlus, a brower plugin that adds some features to the browser. They explain : "BrowserPlus™ is a technology for web browsers that allows developers to create rich web applications with desktop capabilities."

OpenLink Data Explorer :: Modules pour Firefox

Exposes RDF based Linked Data Sources associated with Web Pages.

snaptrip - all your trips

Snaptripr is a web application hat permits to match Tripr trips to Flickr pictures. Simply authenticate using OpenId on both services, and you'll get a better view of your past trips !

MobilePress - Enable The Mobile Web

by 1 other
MobilePress is a WordPress plugin that will render your WordPress blog on mobile handsets, with the ability to use customized themes. The plugin also allows specific themes for specific devices / mobile browsers, such as iPhone, Opera Mini, Windows CE Mobile and other generic handset browsers.

October 2008

typeface.js -- Rendering text with Javascript, <canvas>, and VML

by 12 others
Typeface is a js library that permits to render text in custom fonts without using flash or images. Else, it uses canvas, VML or SVG. It has the disadvantage of not allowing to select the text for copy-pasting (while siFr allows it).

smush it!

by 7 others
SmushIt is an online tool that optimizes images. A firefox extension is available, that allows to optimize all the images of one web page at one stretch.

On prend les mêmes (trolls) et on recommence - <Glazblog/>

"Vous n'aurez pas besoin d'attendre trois ans pour voir les dernières nouveautés CSS intégrées (essayez donc de faire des CSS Transformations avec Dreamweaver ou Web Expression). Et l'éditeur est en MPL. Alors merde aux trolls, non ?" C'est tellement vrai !

symfony | Web PHP Framework | Plugins | firesymfonyPlugin | 1.0.2

This plugin extends the web debug toolbar to send the debug information as a JSON object to the FireSymfony Firebug extension.

firesymfony :: Firefox Add-ons

by 1 other
FireSymfony is a Symfony web debug toolbar for Firebug. This is the Firefox extension.

Understanding HTTP PUT - W3C Q&A Weblog

Karl's attempt at explaining HTTP PUT.

September 2008 - the unofficial google shell.

A google-interface behaves similar to a unix-shell. Several commands are available : mapsearch, translation, blogsearch, newsearch, and of course the traditionnal websearch. Love it.

symfony | Web PHP Framework | Plugins | sfDoctrineActAsTaggablePlugin

by 1 other
My sfPropelActAsTaggable plugin finally found a fan on the Doctrine side...

Cappuccino Web Framework

by 5 others
Cappuccino is an open source Objective-J application framework for developing applications that look and feel like the desktop software users are familiar with. Objective-J is a programming language which is modelled after Objective-C and built entirely on top of JavaScript.


by 2 others
Ever wanted to develop with java like Symfonians do ?

Vitamin Features » Easy Automated Web Application Testing with Hudson and Selenium

by 4 others
Developing web applications is getting more complex - it’s easy to accidentally break functionality as changes are made. In this article, Ben describes the setup his team uses test their apps as changes are committed; automatically notifying the developers of any problems.

August 2008


by 14 others, 1 comment
Flash Video Player for Web Embed video streams on your website. No other software makes this easier.

An alternative to sIFR: Facelift Image Replacement | Breathe new life into your web pages

by 13 others
Facelift Image Replacement (or FLIR, pronounced fleer) is an image replacement script that dynamically generates image representations of text on your web page in fonts that otherwise might not be visible to your visitors. The generated image will be automatically inserted into your web page via Javascript and visible to all modern browsers.

July 2008

Feed43 (Feed For Free) : Convert any web page to news feed on the fly

by 51 others
Your favorite site doesn't provide news feeds? This free online service converts any web page to an RSS feed on the fly.